Estudo prático comparativo da geração de energia em sistemas solares fotovoltaicos

Autor: Fabio Alexandre Souza Martins

Orientador: Alessandro Bezerra Trindade

Alessandro Bezerra Trindade
Alessandro Bezerra Trindade
Luiz Eduardo Sales
Cristiane Lucia de Freitas

Abstract: This work aims to analyze the performance of two photovoltaic panels erected in different mechanical structures, one fixed geographic north and the other endowed with mechanism that maintains the panel perpendicular to the solar rays with the movement from east to west. An Arduino platform centralizes the measurements and actions of the control system, firstly by moving the control to a servomotor coupled to the movable panel, allowing to obtain data referring to the efficiency of the energy converted by the two photovoltaic systems by the voltage and current sensors and finally, allowing the comparison of these values through a display that shows the data of the electric power generated in real time. The research evidences the performance improvement by the adoption of tracking method in photovoltaic system installed near the Ecuador line.

Data da defesa: 01-02-2017

Semestre da defesa: 2016/2

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